
There has been only one outbreak of Monkeypox documented.  This happened in June 2003, when a number of prairie dogs were infected, and spread the disease to humans.  When recorded on June 9, 2003, there were 33 alleged victims with the signs and symptoms of Monkeypox.  Out of the 33, seven were hospitalized for their illness.  

There is no known treatment to combat this virus, but the Smallpox vaccine was used in order to prevent receiving the virus.  Both the Smallpox virus, and Monkeypox virus come from the same genus of virus. 
There are a few ways that one can get Monkeypox, and that includes
  • Close contact with an infected animal
  • Bite from infected animal
  • A large number of respiratory droplets shared from the person with the virus (This can even be shared from long periods of conversation)
There are no recorded U.S. deaths from the Monkeypox virus.  In Africa however, there is a 1 in 10 chance of death because of the lack of modern medicine.